Volunteer Positions

Though volunteering is on hold for now, take a look at the roles below for some ideas of how you can get involved in the future.

We have lots of opportunities for all kinds of schedules, skill sets, abilities, and interests! There are also other volunteer events, projects, and positions available seasonally and as needs arise. 

Some positions are on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions. Keep checking back! We look forward to once again welcoming volunteers into all positions.

Garden Building Project  

Workshop Instructor (on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions): Design and teach workshops about gardening and help gardeners get bountiful harvests.

Garden Builder: Help build gardens for families with limited incomes.

Gardener Support Team (on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions): Love gardening? Join a team of volunteers to support new gardeners via phone, social media, and in-person throughout the growing season.

GRuB Farm

Farm Volunteer: Help maintain the farm with interns, youth and other volunteers.

GRuB School

Guest Teacher (on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions): Knowledgeable in a particular field? Teach a class or host a workshop with the youth.

Guest Chef with the Youth Food Team (on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions): Teach and support the Youth Food Team (youth ages 16-21) in prepping a meal and snacks for their peers.


GGP Leadership Circle (on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions): Work with a group of dedicated volunteers to aide with decisions & direction of Garden Building & Victory Farmer programs. 

GRuB Ambassador/Outreach: Have you participated in GRuB programs, directly or indirectly (received a backyard garden, attended GRuB Youth Programs, parented a GRuB youth, etc.)? Become an Ambassador for GRuB and represent us in the community and at special events! Serve as a host for events at GRuB during times outside of regular business hours. 

Internships: Intensive seasonal opportunities, eligible for college credit and sometimes stipends. Past internships include farm, admin, budget, events, grants, and more.

Tend Gather & Grow

Nature Trail Maintenance: Help maintain the native plant trail adjacent to the GRuB Farm. Tend, Gather & Grow teachers will be harvesting from this area for their native plant workshops. 

Events (some may be on hold due to COVID -19 restrictions)

Meal Prep & Kitchen Support: Help prepare a meal or dish for a GRuB event or support a chef with menu planning, shopping (with GRuB's finances), and kitchen prep work.

Set-Up/Clean-Up: Support GRuB event prep and wrap-up. 

Photography/Videography: Take photos or videos at special events. 

A/V & Tech: Skilled folks who can support audio and visuals at special events. 

Childcare Provider: Make opportunities accessible for parents and meaningful for children by providing childcare during workshops, meetings and orientations for adults.

Behind the Scenes Stewards

Office Support: Help GRuB with office tasks. Data entry, mini-projects, phone calls, etc.

Art/Design: Parking signs, market stand signs, the side of a building, flyers – we like to create functional art when possible. 

Cleaning: GRuB staff and volunteers all work together to care for our Farmhouse. Help keep our space clean and beautiful. 

Maintenance/Building: Both in the farmhouse and on the farm, we can use support from folks skilled in carpentry/maintenance. Includes farm equipment maintenance and repair.

Interpreter/Translation: Help make our resources available to community members who speak/read a variety of languages!

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